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Accountability framework

The Commission has presented an accountability framework in the last two annual reports (1997-1998, 1998-1999). The framework is designed to establish targets for the organization’s performance in the coming year as well as report on achievements against previously established targets.

The following is a summary of achievements against targets in the 1999-2000 fiscal year.





Conduct second public awareness campaign on sexual harassment. Increase liaison activities with Aboriginal communities. Maintain international and national liaison. Maintain distribution levels of Commission publications (10,000 per year). Maintain 1998-1999 levels of public education activities (80 events, reached approximately 4,600 persons). Increase the number of hits on the Web site by 10%.

 Campaign ran twice, once on public transit vehicles and once in LCBO outlets across the province. Developed Request for Proposal (RFP) for Aboriginal Human Rights Program to sustain OHRC presence in off-reserve Aboriginal communities and to enhance equality for Aboriginal persons in Ontario. Provided comments on Canada’s reports under various international instruments.  Hosted several international delegations from: Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Chile, South Africa and Nigeria.  Worked with member commissions of CASHRA to develop poster on Human Rights in the Workplace. Approximately 30,000 copies of publications distributed. Staff participated in 108 events and reached 8,636 persons. Achieved a 20% increase over last year.


 Develop a policy position on  sexual orientation.  Initiate policy work on age discrimination.                    Review legislation and bills tabled before the legislature for compliance with the Code.

 Released Policy on Discrimination and Harassment because of Sexual Orientation. Developed discussion paper on Age Discrimination.  Other policy work Developed policy paper on gender identity.  Developed discussion paper on Insurance. Conducted consultations on revisions to Guidelines for Assessing Accommodation Requirements for Persons with Disabilities and developed consultation report.  Conducted survey on accessibility for persons with disabilities to mass transit vehicles in Ontario municipalities. Launched first-ever Policy Dialogue on developments in human rights. Reviewed Bill 5 and incorporated changes to sexual orientation policy, Mental Health Act, Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients.


 Average response time on calls handled by an Inquiry Service Representative will be under 60 seconds.

 A 30% increase in callers actually speaking with a staff person resulted in an average response time of 2 minutes.


 Maintain 15-day  processing time for drafting of complaints.

 Complaints are drafted within 30 days of receiving an intake package.


 Achieve at least a 65% settlement rate in cases in which mediation has been attempted. Resolve 1,100 cases through mediation services.    

 Achieved a settlement rate of 74% in cases in which mediation was attempted.1,270 cases resolved through mediation services.


 Resolve 80% of cases over 2 years of age as at March 31, 1999. Resolve 1,100 cases through investigation services. Reduce the median age of the caseload to under 10 months.  Decrease the average age of the caseload to 14 months.

 Resolved 555 cases which represents 106% of last year’s target of 520 cases.1,035 cases resolved through investigation services.  Median age of the caseload as at March 31, 2000 is 9 months.  Average age of the caseload is 13 months.


 Quality Service Standards introduced in September 1999. Training programs to be provided on public education, mediation, sexual harassment cases and quality service. Initiate Accessibility Review of Commission services and employment practices for persons with disabilities.

 Quality Service Standards have been developed for each Branch.    Training provided to new intake/inquiry and investigative staff.   Training programs also delivered on writing case analyses and reasons, conducting conciliations as well as on the telework process for affected staff and for the Geneva Park Program. RFP for Accessibility Review completed.

The following are the Commission’s public commitments for the 2000-2001 fiscal year.


 2000-2001 COMMITMENTS


 Conduct one new public awareness campaign.  Implement Aboriginal program.  Ensure international obligations are integrated into all new policy work. Launch policy initiative for CASHRA 2001. Enhance accessibility of publications through new series of  ‘one-pager’ information sheets on all major areas of the Code.  Achieve a satisfaction rate of 80% among participants for all public education activities.  Launch new Web site that improves access, is easier to use and more client-focused.  


 Release paper on Age Discrimination.  Conduct consultations and develop public policy document on Age Discrimination.  Release Policy Paper on Gender Identity. Release consultation report on human rights issues in Insurance. Release revised Guidelines for Assessing Accommodation Requirements for Persons with Disabilities. Release report on survey of accessibility to transit vehicles.  Conduct second policy dialogue.    


 The average response time on calls handled directly by inquiry staff will be within 2 minutes.


 Draft complaints within 15-20 days from receipt of intake questionnaire.


 Achieve at least a 65% settlement rate in cases in which mediation is attempted. Resolve a minimum of 1,300 cases through mediation services. 


 Resolve 80% of cases over 1 year old as at April 1, 2000. Resolve a minimum of 850 cases through investigation services. Reduce the median age of the caseload to below 9 months.  Decrease average age of the caseload to 12 months.  


 Implement Quality Service Standards. Develop training program on public education techniques. Launch Accessibility Review.