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Public Education Request Form

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Please complete this form in as much detail as possible. If you have any questions, call 416-558-0748. Normally, someone will contact you within 2 weeks. We generally request 6 weeks' notice for presentations. 

A request for public education will be evaluated according to the engagement's potential to:

  • Promote systemic prevention of Human Rights Code violations, and advance human rights.
  • Increase understanding and awareness of human rights issues arising in the OHRC’s priority areas of work.
  • Significantly enhance the OHRC’s relationship with strategic or underserved sectors.
  • "Train trainers" to have a sustainable "multiplier" effect in an organization.
  • Significantly reduce discrimination across a sector.

Note that the OHRC may publish the name of your organization in its Annual Report.

Information about the organization

Information about the presentation

Speeches by the Chief Commissioner are generally 20 minutes or shorter and can be followed by a question and answer period. Chief Commissioner speeches usually offer a high-level overview of the subject matter, and are not intended to offer in-depth training.

Please note that it is Commission policy to deliver presentations in accessible facilities only. 

Please note that it is the responsibility of the organizers to provide any Human Rights Code accommodations required by participants and to ensure that the OHRC is advised of any such needs where appropriate 

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