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Non-Government Advocacy

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A broad spectrum of non-governmental organizations in Canada also play a significant role in driving cultural and attitudinal change towards older persons.

One of the more prominent of these is CARP: Canada’s Association for the Fifty-Plus, which has worked very closely in collaboration with the Commission on several age-related initiatives. CARP is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with a membership of over 400,000 people across Canada. CARP’s mandate is to promote the rights and quality of life for older Canadians. It publishes a bi-monthly newsmagazine “FiftyPlus” and a newsletter “CARP Action”. CARP also publishes a variety of reports and studies on issues that affect seniors such as health care, homecare, financial planning and frauds and scams. It also advocates on behalf of older Canadians with government and other public institutions. CARP’s Web site[10] has a large amount of information of value to seniors.

The Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging: This is an organization that is affiliated with the University of Western Ontario. Its goal is to develop, encourage and promote an active, healthy lifestyle for Canadian adults that will enhance the dignity of the aging process.[11]

The Ontario Coalition of Senior Citizens’ Organizations: The mission of this organization is to improve the quality of life for seniors by offering education programs, policy and research, information, referral, counselling, research materials, outreach and support, self-help and volunteer programs. This provincial network includes organizations representing seniors, ethnocultural, health, native, recreational, retiree, disability and women’s organizations[12].


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