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Appendix: Restaurant Accessibility Commitments and Results

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Accessibility Policy
Accessibility Barrier 
Standard Accessibility 
Plan for Future 
Existing Barrier 


Burger King

No data provided.

No data provided.

Accessibility reviews 
mandated on all 
remodels, rebuilds, and 
new locations.
Washrooms enlarged at 
one location; added 
accessible features at 
one other. A wheelchair 
lift was also installed in 
one location.
Most washrooms are 
barrier-free and have 
braille on the doors and 
grab bars.
Coffee Time 
Coffee Time monitors 
customer complaints for accessibility issues.
Conducted a random 
audit of locations to find accessibility issues. Most problems 
discovered were not under the company’s 
Reviewed design plan to 
ensure that all newly 
built location are 
complaint with the 
Human Rights Code. 
Will be communicating 
with all franchisees 
beginning January 2006 
on identified barriers that 
need to be addressed.
Accessibility issues are 
an agenda item at the 
biannual franchisee 

Country Style

Working with a disability 
consultant to prepare a 
corporate accessibility 
policy, which will be in place by the end of 
Accessibility surveys 
completed at 80% of locations.
Created a design 
committee to review all 
store designs for 
compliance with the 
Building Code and 
Human Rights Code. 
Will attempt to work with 
landlords to promote 
accessibility at all leased 
Up to 50% of locations 
will be renovated during 
the next 4 years, during 
which time any accessibility problems that can be addressed 
economically will be 
looked after. 
Country Style believes 
that governments must 
find a way to harmonize 
Building Code and 
Human Rights Code 
concerns with other 
building permit issues so that all developers are 
aware of their 
responsibilities in this 
area before 


Training manual 
emphasizes the 
importance of assisting 
disabled customers.
Detailed accessibility 
survey carried out for all locations. 

No data provided.

No data provided.

Cultures reports that as 
most of their restaurants 
are in public locations 
(i.e. malls, public 
buildings) they do not 
have a lot of control over 
certain aspects relating 
to accessibility (i.e. 
parking, entrances, 


Accessibility Policy 
prepared and shared 
with  franchisees.
Accessibility review 
completed; identified 
stairways in two 
restaurants as potential 
problems; one 
restaurant has since closed.
All new restaurants are 
being designed with the 
results of the 
accessibility review in 
mind, including changes 
to signage, entrances, 
interior routes, and 
menu boards.
New menu boards and 
signage introduced in all 
locations with larger font 
and better contrast; as 
restaurant leases are 
renewed and renovations undertaken, 
accessibility issues will 
be dealt with.
Future plans include 
creating Braille menus, 
as well as the release of 
the formal Accessibility 
policy to all employees 
and staff training. 
Druxy’s emphasized the central importance of training for staff and 
franchisees as part of its approach. 

Great Canadian Bagel

Created a corporate 
complaints procedure; 
instructed all franchisees 
to comply with the overall spirit of OHRC’s 
Dining Out Accessibility 
Detailed accessibility 
survey carried out for all 
The checklist from the 
Dining Out Accessibly 
Report has been 
incorporated into new 
site location analysis. 
Will address most of the 
items identified in survey 
in future construction 
and renovations. 
Franchisees notified of 
accessibility issues 
immediately after audit; 
and changes were made 
within days for easily 
corrected problems.
Handheld menus 
available for customers 
who cannot read 
overhead signs; some 
additional signage 
added for the benefit of 
customers in 
wheelchairs. Have 
increased the size of menu boards, and have 
developed a new style for condiment stands.


Corporate accessibility 
policy developed, as well as customer complaints 
Each Ontario location 
evaluated as to 
accessibility, relying on OHRC Accessibility 
Survey to identify 
Developed standard 
building plan 
incorporating Human 
Rights Code  and 
Building Code 
provisions, and require 
all new locations to meet 
this plan.
As location leases 
expire, renovations 
undertaken as 
commercially reasonable 
to improve accessibility 
and remove barriers, or 
location closed and 
reconstructed in 
accordance with new 
building plan.
Installed Braille and 
other tactile features on 
every washroom door; 
vertical signs for 
designated parking 
spaces installed where possible. 

Java Joe’s

The Commission has received a letter from Java Joe's reiterating their commitment to accessibility at all existing and new 
locations. No further details were provided. 


Corporate accessibility 
policy developed, as well 
as customer complaints 
Each Ontario location 
evaluated as to 
accessibility, relying on OHRC Accessibility 
Survey to identify 
Developed standard 
building plan 
incorporating Human 
Rights Code  and 
Building Code 
provisions, and require 
all new locations to meet 
this plan.
As location leases 
expire, renovations 
undertaken as 
commercially reasonable 
to improve accessibility 
and remove barriers, or 
location closed and 
reconstructed in 
accordance with new 
building plan.
Installed Braille and other tactile features on 
every washroom door; 
vertical signs for 
designated parking 
spaces installed where 


Corporate accessibility 
policy developed, as well 
as customer complaints 
Renovation of current 
facilities done on the 
basis of identifying and 
removing barriers. 
Communication with 
franchise partners on 
importance of complying 
with human rights 
legislation when 
upgrading facilities.
Closes older facilities 
that are too costly to 
upgrade to meet human 
rights standards.



Developed a 
accessibility plan.
Conducted an 
accessibility survey of all 
Ontario locations. 
Revised plans to meet 
the requirements of 
federal / provincial 
building codes, US ADA, 
and related OHRC 
policies and guidelines. 
Developed a detailed 
manual for franchisees 
and store managers 
showing common 
accessibility problems 
and their solutions.
Accessibility program 
will start in Ontario 
before expanding across 
the country.  

Montana’s / Milestones

Corporate accessibility 
policy developed, as well 
as customer complaints 
Each Ontario location 
evaluated as to 
accessibility, relying on 
OHRC Accessibility 
Survey to identify 
Developed standard 
building plan 
incorporating Human 
Rights Code  and 
Building Code 
provisions, and require 
all new locations to meet 
this plan.
As location leases 
expire, renovations 
undertaken as 
commercially reasonable 
to improve accessibility 
and remove barriers, or 
location closed and 
reconstructed in 
accordance with new 
building plan.
Installed Braille and other tactile features on 
every washroom door; vertical signs for designated parking spaces installed where 

Mr. Sub

No data provided. 

No data provided. 

Accessibility concerns 
taken into account for 
new and renovated 
locations. This includes 
new designs for 
washrooms, seating, 
counters and 

No data provided.


Pizza Hut

No data provided.

Performed accessibility 
review using OHRC 
survey for all 
Issues identified in 
accessibility review 
categorized into 
immediate vs. longerterm fixes
Some inaccessible 
facilities were closed; 
menu boards were 
redesigned; working on 
renovating a fully 
accessible “prototype” 
Planning to implement 
Braille menus. 

Pizza Pizza

Restaurant accessibility 
policy developed for all 
locations, including both 
corporate and franchise 
Ongoing audit of all 
locations to identify 
accessibility barriers.
All new construction will 
consider accessibility 
and barrier-free design 
Steps taken to address 
problems that can be 
addressed costeffectively; others 
addressed in phases, in 
accordance with the 
Code ’s undue hardship 
Annual summary of 
enhancements and 
renovations will be 
prepared, highlighting 
improvements and 
establishing new goals 
and targets for the 
upcoming year. 


No data provided.

Barrier review 
conducted; identified 
counter fixtures as a 
potential barrier. 
Amended offers of lease 
to include adherance to 
Human Rights Code; 
r evised designs so 
future locations are 
larger to accommodate 
new accessible fixtures 
and washrooms. 
Two new stores opened 
in 2005 included 
accessibly designed 
Braille menus produced 
and distributed; looking at options for a TTY phone system; working on developing a lease 
clause mandating 

Red Lobster

Complete. Accessibility 
issues directed to Facilities Manager for 
investigation and 
coordination of any 
recommended action.
Conducts Facility 
Standards Audits to 
identify accessibility 
issues.  Audits identified 
need to ensure that 
pathways are clear and 
to address barrier safety 

Plans completed.  

Barrier removal in 
parking lots complete at 
70% of locations; 7 more 
washrooms to be 
renovated by May 2006. 
Current construction 
plan is to continue with 
remodelling process, 
into next fiscal budget
Worked with a thirdparty consultant to 
complete and test two 
prototype accessible 

Select Sandwich

Corporate Accessibility 
Policy and accessibility 
complaints procedure 
developed. Policy and 
procedure incorporated 
into franchise 
Will complete a full 
barrier review of all 
locations no later than 
June 30, 2006. Where 
barriers are within 
landlord's sole control, 
landlord will be 
requested to remove 
Accessibility Plan for 
future locations 
developed, and included 
in Franchise 
Will develop a barrier 
removal plan by August 
31, 2006. All barriers will 
be removed by October 
16, 2016, unless it would 
be undue hardship to do 
Amended offer to lease 
to include provisions that 
lease will adhere to the 
Human Rights Code . 
Training on Policy, 
Procedure, Barrier 
Review and Code to be 
provided to all 


In 2004, Starbucks indicated to the OHRC that it had largely achieved accessibility and that effective procedures were in place for addressing ad hoc issues as they arose. Starbucks therefore did not see a need for additional monitoring or reporting, and elected not to provide any further information to the OHRC for this Report.


Completed. Continuing 
to monitor and respond 
to customer comments 
regarding accessibility.
Accessibility reviews 
performed for all stores.
Searches out accessible 
locations for future 
stores; work to include 
accessibility language in 
future leases; existing 
stores continue to be 
designed for maximum 
Equipment and 
hardware added to 
increase accessibility 
(i.e. doorbells); barrier 
removal during 
renovations; working 
with landlords on 
common area barriers. 
Works with franchisees 
to remove barriers 
without hardship, such 
as reasonable 
construction and 
modification; remaining 
barriers addressed 
during mandatory sevenyear re-model. 


Swiss Chalet

Corporate accessibility 
policy developed, as well 
as customer complaints 
Each Ontario location 
evaluated as to 
accessibility, relying on 
OHRC Accessibility 
Survey to identify 
Developed standard 
building plan 
incorporating Human 
Rights Code  and 
Building Code 
provisions, and require 
all new locations to meet 
this plan.
Approximately 10% of 
restaurants were 
renovated or replaced in 
their entirety to meet 
accessibility standards. 
Installed Braille and other tactile features on 
every washroom door; vertical signs for designated parking spaces installed where 

Taco Bell

Corporate accessibility 
policy developed, as well 
as customer complaints 
Renovation of current 
facilities done on the 
basis of identifying and 
removing barriers. 
Communication with 
franchise partners on 
importance of complying 
with human rights 
legislation when 
upgrading facilities.
Closes older facilities 
that are too costly to 
upgrade to meet human 
rights standards.


Tim Hortons


Developed corporate 
accessibility policy
Now required as part of 
the accessibility plan for 
future locations.
Plan includes 
considerations, within 
the context of available 
real estate, for automatic 
doors, barrier-free 
washrooms, curb ramps, 
recessed waste 
receptacles, more 
barrier-free parking 
spaces, and training 
sessions or front-line 
and design staff
Braille signage added to 
washrooms, increased 
interior and exterior 
lighting levels, large-print 
menus, accessible 
complaint card 
receptacles, audible and 
visual safety alarms, 
reduced counter heights, 
changed to less-slippery 
floor cleaner.  
Changes to be made 


No data provided.

Barrier review conducted 
for all locations.
Landlord scope of work 
in offer to lease 
document revised to 
include standardized 
accessibility features 
such as accessible door 
entrance hardware and 
sloped entrance 
thresholds for all main 
Major barriers in existing 
locations, including 
accessibile washrooms, 
will be removed as the 
leased premises are 
renewed. New menu 
boards have been 
developed, along with 
hand out menus. Braille 
menus are under 
A new training program 
on service standards for 
persons with disabilities 
has been developed for 
all corporate and 
franchise staff.


Internal steering 
committee convened to 
address accessibility 
Sampled 15 locations of 
various ages and designs using OHRC 
checklist to identify 
accessibility issues; 
reviewed new store plans for further issues.
Accessibility upgrades 
are now considered for 
all remodelled locations.
Regular maintenance 
duties will now include 
refreshing of disabled 
washrooms, as well as 
inspection of ramps and 
installation of designated 
parking spaces. 
Wendy’s is a partner 
with the Canadian 
Standards Association in 
their “Building 
Champions” program; 
focussing on 
accessibility for people 
with disabilities.  


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