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  1. 4. Intersecting grounds

    From: Policy on ableism and discrimination based on disability

    Discrimination may be unique or distinct when it occurs based on two or more Code grounds. Such discrimination is said to be “intersectional.” The concept of intersectional discrimination recognizes that people’s lives involve multiple interrelated identities, and that marginalization and exclusion based on Code grounds may exist because of how these identities intersect.

  2. 성 정체성

    2012 - 온타리오 주 인권법(인권법)은 평등한 권리와 기회, 그리고 차별로부터의 자유를 정한 법입니다. 인권법은 취업, 주택, 각종 시설 및 서비스, 각종 계약, 그리고 노동조합, 기술직 또는 전문직 협회 회원 자격 등에서 온타리오 주의 모든 사람의 존엄성과 가치를 인정합니다. 성 정체성을 이유로 차별이나 괴롭힘을 당하는 사람은 성별 차별 금지에 따라 법적으로 보호됩니다. 여기에는 성전환자, 트랜스젠더, 간성자, 이성복장자, 그리고 성 정체성 또는 성 표현이 타고난 성별과 다르거나 다르게 보이는 사람 등이 포함됩니다.

  3. Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Regarding the draft policy, "Physicians and the Ontario Human Rights Code"

    February 2008 - The draft policy raises a number of new concerns. The following pages detail the Commission’s concerns and provide suggestions for how to address them. We hope that our comments assist the College in providing greater clarity and ensuring that physicians have correct and sufficient information about their obligations under the Code.
  4. Submission of the Ontario Human Rights Commission to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario regarding the draft policies relating to establishing and ending physician-patient relationships

    February 2008 - The Commission’s concerns focus on the draft policy’s handling of discretionary decisions made by doctors in accepting patients, and in provision of care. As currently stands, the draft policy may in fact lead to confusion and to human rights complaints, in that physicians may see it as condoning practices that the Commission views as discriminatory.
