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  1. From Impact to Action: Final report into anti-Black racism by the Toronto Police Service

    Based on the OHRC’s review of the facts, including the data, the lived experiences of Black communities, and case law, the OHRC finds that Black people are subjected to systemic racial discrimination, racial profiling, and anti-Black racism. Interviews with the TPS and Toronto Police Services Board (TPSB) and a review of thousands of pages of documents revealed gaps in TPS and TPSB policies, procedures, training, and accountability mechanisms that have helped perpetuate discrimination and contributed to mistrust of police among Black people.

    As our consultations made clear, Black communities do not simply need another report with recommendations. The OHRC’s final report on its Inquiry into anti-Black racism by the TPS sets out a path to move From Impact to Action – a path of meaningful actions aimed at changing outcomes for Black communities.

  2. De l’impact à l’action : Rapport final sur le racisme envers les personnes noires par le service de police de Toronto

    En se fondant sur l’examen des faits qu’elle a réalisé, y compris les données, les expériences vécues par les communautés noires et la jurisprudence, la CODP conclut que les personnes noires sont victimes de discrimination raciale systémique, de profilage racial et de racisme. Des entrevues avec le SPT et la Commission des services policiers de Toronto (CSPT) ainsi que l’analyse de milliers de pages de documents ont révélé des lacunes dans les politiques, les procédures, la formation et les mécanismes de responsabilisation du SPT et de la CSPT ayant contribué à perpétuer la discrimination et à alimenter la méfiance des personnes noires à l’égard de la police.

    Comme nos consultations l’ont clairement démontré, il ne suffit pas de produire un autre rapport contenant des recommandations. Le rapport final de la CODP sur son enquête sur le racisme envers les personnes noires par le SPT établit la voie pour passer De l’impact à l’action — une voie de mesures significatives visant à modifier le sort des communautés noires.

  3. Appendix 11 - OHRC Survey

    From: From Impact to Action: Final report into anti-Black racism by the Toronto Police Service


    OHRC Inquiry ‒ Survey for Toronto Police Service officers

    The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) is conducting this survey to support its public inquiry into anti-Black racism by the Toronto Police Service (TPS). It is working with the TPS, the Toronto Police Services Board (TPSB), the Toronto Police Association (TPA) and Black communities to make sure this work results in comprehensive, positive and meaningful action.

  4. Appendix 6 - Historical Timeline

    From: From Impact to Action: Final report into anti-Black racism by the Toronto Police Service


    Timeline of events related to issues of racial discrimination and racial profiling of Black persons by the Toronto Police Service, and OHRC initiatives related to the Toronto Police

    Note: With the exception of Sammy Yatim, all of the victims included below were Black.

    This is not an exhaustive list of incidents and activities. For the purposes of this document, the OHRC is not making any findings of racial profiling or racial discrimination relating to any of these events


