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  1. A half-century of human rights

    From: Annual report 2012-2013 - Rights, Partners, Action!

    June 15, 2012 was the 50th anniversary of Ontario’s Human Rights Code – the first such code in Canada. To mark this important event, we worked with partners across Ontario to look back at how human rights had progressed over the 50 years, and to look ahead to the human rights of tomorrow. Highlights include a commemorative plaque and the “proclamation project” with municipalities across Ontario.

  2. 7. Intersecting grounds

    From: Policy on preventing discrimination based on mental health disabilities and addictions

    Discrimination may be unique or distinct when it occurs based on two or more Code grounds. Such discrimination can be said to be “intersectional.” The concept of intersectional discrimination recognizes that people’s lives involve multiple interrelated identities, and that marginalization and exclusion based on Code grounds may exist because of how these identities intersect.

  3. In the zone: Housing, human rights and municipal planning

    2012 - This guide offers an overview of the human rights responsibilities of municipalities in housing. It offers information about the various legislated tools municipalities have, and shows some examples of how municipal planners, councillors, Housing Service Managers, District Social Service Boards and others can use “best practices” to overcome discriminatory neighbourhood opposition and promote housing that is free from discrimination. The guide can also be a resource for organizations and advocates who are working with municipalities to advance human rights in housing.

  4. Molestia razziale: informatevi su quali siano i vostri diritti

    2012 - La molestia razziale può essere causata da uno o più dei suddetti fattori. Può essere anche scatenata da fattori collaterali a quelli suddetti, ad esempio l’uso di abiti collegati alla propria cultura, il parlare con un particolare accento o il praticare una determinata religione. È una violazione di legge per chiunque molestare, insultare o trattare diversamente un’altra persona a causa dei suddetti motivi.

  5. Éditorial : L’éradication de la pratique du fichage nécessite une volonté politique

    May 23, 2015

    Rédacteur en chef, The Toronto Star

    Cette semaine, Mark Saunders a prêté serment comme chef du Service de police de Toronto. Son entrée en fonction s’est déroulée au milieu d’une controverse qui avait entachée les derniers jours de son prédécesseur et qui refuse de disparaître, soit la procédure policière connue communément sous le nom de « fichage ». Le chef Saunders a le choix, alors qu’il prend ses fonctions, d’écouter les voix qui se font entendre dans la communauté et d’œuvrer pour mettre fin au profilage racial, ou de permettre à une pratique très inquiétante de perdurer.

  6. III. Discrimination in rental housing

    From: Consultation paper: Human rights and rental housing in Ontario

    The Code contains provisions to help ensure that everyone has the equal opportunity to access housing, and the benefits that go along with it, without discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, creed (religion), place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, disability and receipt of public assistance. It also prohibits harassing behaviour in housing on the basis of these grounds.
