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  1. Letter to the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services on Ontario’s poverty reduction strategy, Building a Strong Foundation for Success: Reducing Poverty in Ontario (2020 – 2025)

    January 26, 2021

    While the OHRC is committed to supporting your office’s efforts to decrease poverty in Ontario, we are concerned that the government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy does not take an explicit human rights-based approach to poverty reduction and does not recognize the right to an adequate standard of living.

  2. The existence of racial profiling

    From: Paying the price: The human cost of racial profiling

    The Commission has consistently stated that the purpose of its racial profiling inquiry is not to prove or disprove the existence of racial profiling. It is the Commission’s view that previous inquiries have considered this and have found that it does occur.

    Moreover, as discussed above, racial profiling is a form of racial stereotyping. As racial stereotyping and discrimination exists in society, it also exists in institutions such as law enforcement agencies, the education system, the criminal justice system etc., which are a microcosm of broader society.

  3. Actions consistent with a human rights-based approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic

    This document sets out various actions that governments can take that are broadly consistent with a human rights-based approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic. These actions are neither comprehensive nor exhaustive. Instead, they are a compilation of possible responses that are consistent with Canada and Ontario’s human rights obligations.

  4. COVID-19 and human rights

    From: Human rights under pressure – from policing to pandemics: Annual Report 2020–2021

    Entrenching a human rights policy approach during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

    By late March 2020, Ontarians were well aware that COVID-19 had turned into a worldwide pandemic. Governments at all levels in Canada recognized they needed to act fast to avoid outbreaks in congregate living like long-term care homes and prisons, support front-line workers and add other supports like employment and rent subsidies, and job and tenancy protection.

  5. 4. The OHRC’s 2008-2012 priorities, initiatives and impacts

    From: Ontario Human Rights Commission Submission regarding Section 57 three-year statutory review of the Ontario Human Rights System

    In November 2008, following public town hall meetings with individuals and groups across the province, the OHRC finalized strategic and business plans to guide its work under its new mandate for the following three years. Our aim is to educate, empower and mobilize partners in communities across the province to raise awareness, help identify concerns and implement solutions.

  6. Ontario Human Rights Commission comment on Canada’s upcoming 24th and 25th Reports to the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination

    The OHRC has prepared a submission in response to Canadian Heritage’s request for the views of human rights commissions to inform the Government of Canada as it prepares Canada's combined 24th and 25th periodic report to the United Nations on its implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
